How To Spot An ENFJ A Mile Away

Unraveling the human behavior can be difficult. Not everyone can be like Sherlock Holmes who can deduce what you have eaten for lunch. However, if you know a little bit about the MBTI personality types, you can spot some personalities quite easily in the wild. ENFJs among them, are quite common to spot. If you cannot do so, here’s how to spot an ENFJ easily.

ENFJs are known as the “protagonists” and know how to behave with people asserting warmth and being empathetic. Those are the first telltale signs of an ENFJ. However, there are easier signs which will help you narrow down their personality traits quite easily.

How To Spot An ENFJ Easily: Look For These 8 Signs

There are subtle hints to everyone’s personality in their mannerisms, they way they carry themselves and the way they talk about any given topic. Using those signs, we can easily deduce what an ENFJ is like.

8. They Genuinely Connect With People

An ENFJ always approaches relationships with genuine interest. They are a shoulder to lean on and always know how to make people feel seen, heard and valued so that it can bring a positive impact on the receiver’s life.

7. They Know How To Mentor People

ENFJs are mentors and therefore, know how to bring out the best in people. They can detect people’s true potential by analyzing their behavior. That is why, they are in leadership positions throughout their career.

6. They Are Visionaries

ENFJs maintain a healthy outlook on life and always find a way the silver lining in any situation. This calm demeanor and long-term vision for the future helps them find solutions easily.

5. They Are Supportive Of Their Friends

No matter how outlandish the goal might seem, they always support their friends and help them out should they need it. If anyone is ever down in the dumps, you will find the ENFJs offering a word of encouragement, serving as a reliable source of friendship.

4. They Are Natural Born Leaders

ENFJs are natural born leaders who know how to delegate, inspire and get the job done. They are in flow state when among people which allows them to take control of any situation and give it direction.

3. They Truly Listen

Empathy is the name of the game with these personalities as they truly listen to what your problem and empathize with anything you are going through. They also come up with innovative solutions that are designed to get anyone out of a mess.

2. People Are Drawn To Them

Due to their magnetic personality, people are drawn to them. This happens because of their ability to lead, empathize, listen and support whoever asks for their help.

1. They Believe In Their Cause

ENFJs are personalities who deeply believe in what they are doing and work with others to ensure that the goals they have in mind are accomplished. Most of the time they work to create a positive change in the community.

It is easy to spot an ENFJ if you are aware of all of these factors. To know who ENFJs are most compatible with, click here.

To know more about other personalities in the MBTI spectrum, check out our Encyclopedia of Personalities page.