How To Deal With Analysis Paralysis Once And For All: 5 Workable Tips

Analysis Paralysis is a silent killer. It is the need to research deeply and thoroughly without getting work done. Take me for example, when I started this blog, I thought about a hundred different things that would appeal to people and research them instead of just writing anything. That stopped not only my growth but the growth of this blog as well.

I did a lot of personal training to ensure that it does not happen again but I still can’t help but fall into it sometimes. That being said, let us take a look at how you can work around it. Here’s how to stop analysis paralysis once and for all.

How To Deal With Analysis Paralysis: 5 Tips To Stop Analysis Paralysis

Analysis paralysis in simpler words mean that you over analyze certain things to a point where your action is stalled. When you over analyze certain problems, you invite certain insecurities to take hold of you. The question of how, why and when become clearer and due to that, you cannot take action.

You keep saying to yourself “I have an analyzed this problem and figured out the solution, I’ll start work on it tomorrow,” and that day never ends up coming. This is one serious problem which can stall all your progress and ruin your life. Analysis paralysis, most of the time, stems from these factors:

  • Fear of failure
  • Lack of clarity
  • Perfectionism
  • Fear of being judged
  • Inadequate information
  • False perception of high stakes
  • Information overload
  • Subconsciously thinking of analysis as a comfort zone

Now that we know where these things come from, we are free to break that barrier and take a look at how to stop this beast once and for all.

Use These 5 Tips To Stop Analysis Paralysis

If you know why you do these things and the reasoning behind that, it is easier to combat. Whether its perfectionism or being stuck in a comfort zone, doing these things should help you out immensely.

Set Clear Defined Goals

(Image via Canva)

If your goal is to write, while making a note on your calendar about it, write the goal out like this, “write a blog post under 1 hour,” or something similar. This will not only give you a deadline which causes a sense of urgency but also defines what exactly you need to do. When you achieve the goal, you will be prompted to do more without having to curse yourself about not taking action.

A clear defined goal has a purpose and a why. If you can figure out why you are doing what you’re doing, then carrying out the task will be simpler.

Done Is Better Than Perfect

These are words to live by. Social media has created all of these content creators whose work makes you think you can create the same content but when you try to do it yourself it feels difficult. This causes a lot of people to quit. However, you don’t see the years of hard work behind a simple piece.

That is why, the moral of the story here is that you just need to finish the task you set upon yourself rather than worrying about it being good or not. Once you get better at what you do, you can fine tune the imperfections. Don’t keep waiting for the right moment to strike, create the moment with your own hands.

Practice The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle states that the 80% of the results come from 20% of the work done. Prioritize, at most, the 20% of a certain task and start doing something. When you do the work and give yourself time to flourish, you will realize that you should have just started rather than over analyzing what to do and how to do it.

Use the Pareto Principle in most of the things you do in life and you will be a lot more happier than you were when you held onto nothing.

Let Go

Let go of the outcome and just do the work. Once you start doing the work and complete it, move onto the next one. Do not go sticking your nose on the outcome of that one task you did because chances are, the real cream of the crop is the one that comes later and not during the beginning. If you are a YouTuber or a writer, the real success will come in your 100th creation and not in your first one.

Just Do It

(Image via DS Stories on Pexels)

It’s not Nike’s tagline for nothing. When you think of something that you want to do, there is a reason why that thought is in your head. There is a quote that says, ” The magic you are looking for is in the work that you are avoiding.” You must realize that the reason why your life is miserable is because there is something deep down that you are not doing because you’re afraid and want to do it but can’t find the guts to.

In this case, Just Do It!

The Conclusion

The Analysis Paralysis is not supposed to be an end for you. You can’t let it control you because it will lead to nothing. You will spend your life in regret because you thought to see the perfect start in things. Do not look for perfect starts, start something and then perfect it.

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By Addy

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