Books are an introvert’s best friend. Reading is more than a hobby for us. When we get lost in books, we forget our problems and everything about the real world. But not every piece of fiction or non-fiction is catered to the introverted character.
Right off the bat, I want to reveal that three of these are non-fiction and navigate how you can use your introversion to carve out your voice in the world. Two of the remaining ones are fiction that explores two of my favorite stories with introverted characters.
Best Books For Introverts To Read (Both Fiction & Non-Fiction)
As I mentioned earlier, three of these will be self help books that are going to ensure you take advantage of your introversion. The rest of the two will show you why being an introvert is an advantage in itself.
Quiet By Susan Cain

You cannot have a best books for introverts list without mentioning Quiet by Susan Cain. This book dives deep into how the world views successful people as extroverts and how they are socially active. Susan Cain highlights that almost half of the population is filled with introverts and how introverts can thrive in it without following the extroverted ideal.
Susan Cain splendidly blends together her personal anecdotes, stories and research to make a map of how introverts are important. It is a compelling narrative talking about the strengths and challenges for introverts. The book is easy to read and explains complex psychological concepts quite easily.
This book is quite easily a must read for any introvert feeling insecure about their introversion. It is a reset and a call to action on how they should be more themselves and less the way the world wants them to be. The biggest message this book delivers is that you should embrace your inner personality and not destroy it to go after something that “society” deems successful.
The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney

A compelling read, the Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney is a scientific ode to introverts breaking down common myths and replacing them with facts. Just like Quiet, it inspires introverts to pursue their strengths in a world full of extroverts.
Some of the sections of the book are about socializing, building relationships, parenting and working in a world that idolizes extroverts. The educational and informative writing style produces great work and navigates the heavy scientific information in a reader friendly manner. It is without a doubt, a must-have book in the shelf of an introvert.
This book will help you gain a deeper understanding of your introversion and how you should navigate it rather than shying away. It also offers real-life case studies on introverts who have overcome challenges and achieved success in their respective fields.
The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth Buelow

Now, that we have understood our introversion and know that we do not need to resent it, let us see how we can use it to make ourselves a better person financially.
The Introvert Entrepreneur is a guide for introverts in managing and building a career by using their traits to navigate the working life. This is one of those must-read books for introverts looking to start their business. The author gives practical advise based on her real life experience as an introvert and an entrepreneur.
Buelow wants her fellow introverts to use their creative thinking and focusing abilities to cultivate a business that works for them. She also gives tips on how networking as an introvert, marketing and maintaining energy while building your business. It also is a great guide to managing burnout and time allocation.
The book is split into multiple readable chapters and offers actionable tips introverts can apply to their life to make it better as an entrepreneur. It provides all the tools necessary for you to do what you set out to do.
Norwegian Wood By Haruki Murakami

Hopping onto the fiction genre, we start off with Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. The story is told from the viewpoint of Toru Watanabe, the main character. It is a novel about love, loss, betrayal, nostalgia and all of the beautiful feelings that make the human experience worth it.
The characters and storytelling is on another level and Murakami paints a beautiful picture of melancholy with every sentence.
The book made the author a sensation in his country and years later, everywhere in the world. It is a cult classic and one of the best works of Murakami.
I do not want to give spoilers away for this book but you will question life, have a love/hate relationship with certain characters and leave the book with lots of questions. That is the perfect sweet spot for an author.
I definitely want to read this book again for the first time. I guarantee you that you will enjoy this without a shadow of a doubt. Especially the main character who shows a more reserved/quiet personality.
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower By Stephen Chbosky

This is the fiction piece for anyone wanting to read something that resonates with them. This novel is a bitter-sweet coming of age story and follows the story of Charlie, a wallflower who unexpectedly makes two friends named Patrick and Sam.
Released in 1999, it slowly but surely became a sensation that resonated with young folks. In addition, there was a movie adaptation that came out featuring Emma Watson and Logan Lerman.
Charlie’s story is filled with hope and pain as he navigates the world and writes letters to an unknown entity describing his life and multiple events. The book does have multiple mature themes that will catch you off guard but it has a good ending that you can get behind.
You can’t truly appreciate the good things without the bad can you? That is where the Perks of Being a Wallflower shines through. It is one of the best books of all time, especially for an introvert looking to get into reading again or for the first time.
What’s Your List?
Well, that was my list of the best books for introverts. What are your favorite books out of these?
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