The ENFJ or the Protagonist personality type may be a leader and have unyielding charisma, but that comes with its drawbacks. No one is perfect and that includes the Protagonists in this case. Their passion and altruistic behavior makes them a people person but they can be taken advantage of. Here are the ENFJ personality type strengths and weaknesses to understand them better.
ENFJ Personality Type Strengths And Weaknesses
ENFJs excel at being altruistic and having a passionate streak regarding their interests. For the sake of better understanding and being brief, we will look at five strengths and five weaknesses each.
ENFJ Strengths

ENFJs have unbridled generosity that helps them to lift their peers up and help them as much as possible. They are inspirations and always lead by example. Their strengths can be summarized as so:
- Empathetic and Understanding: They are attuned to emotions of others around them which allows them to show empathy and be understanding of the struggles their peers are going through. This attribute makes it easy for ENFJs to determine people’s needs.
- Persuasiveness: Because they have an idea of what people need, they can easily peruse them to motivate others into action. This ability combined with their communication skills and charisma make them natural born leaders.
- Leads for the front: Since ENFJs can see what people need and stir them into action, they are suitable candidates to be leaders in any given task. Their ability to talk to people, connect with them and form groups with the same motive can make them the best candidate to be in a leadership position.
- Highly Trained Diplomats: Due to being leaders and empathizing with people’s needs, ENFJs are great at resolving conflicts and finding common ground among people with differences.
- Generous: ENFJs take priority in helping people and doing as much as they can to be generous and receptive towards the needs of individuals. They are determined to bring about positive change in the world.
ENFJ Weaknesses

ENFJs are not without their weaknesses. Their generosity and altruistic behavior can be a double edged sword should they come in contact with the wrong people. Aside from that, their idealist vision of the world can lead to disappointment in the long run. Their weaknesses can be summarized as so:
- Overexertion: ENFJs are dedicated towards their goal which leaders to overexertion and burnout. They have a problem of setting boundaries and prioritizing their own self over others.
- Hard time saying no: ENFJs are people persons and due to their generosity, they have a hard time saying no to others. This can lead to them being overwhelmed. Refusing people can lead to guilt which can affect their psyche.
- Idealistic attitude: The protagonist personality type’s biggest weakness is their idealistic attitude. They have an idealistic vision of what the world should be and when those expectations aren’t fulfilled, it leads to disappointment and detachment.
- Sensitivity to criticism: These personality types feel hurt when confronted with negative feedback about their behavior or their work. This leads to them developing grudges despite their generous and empathetic nature.
- Might come across as condescending: Since these personality types have empathy and want to help people as much as they can, they might come across as condescending. Their attempt to teach others and better them might be looked at as patronizing.
There we have it folks, the most noticeable strengths and weaknesses of the ENFJ personality type. For anything and everything related to the 16 MBTI personalities, check out the Encyclopedia of Personalities page.
To know more about ENFJ characters in anime and film, click here.