How To Be More Creative In Art? 6 Easy Tips To Get Better

Comparison might be the thief of joy but you have to admit there are some pretty impressive art pieces out there. One thing common among all good art pieces is that they are creative. When you look at them you envy the people who made them and you want to be as creative as them. You’d think, “God I wish I had thought of that.” All of those cool art pieces were masterpieces because the creativity of the artists was at its peak.

Think of creativity as the spark to your fire AKA your art. Without the spark, it is impossible to light the fire. However, it is quiet common for artists to have creative blocks or create stagnant pieces that does not make them feel content with their work.

In those scenarios, it is best to learn how to relax and take it easy. Creative sparks are situational and can ignite at any moment. However, there are certain things you can do to more creative. Here’s how you can be more creative in art.

How To Be More Creative In Art: 6 Tips You Can Integrate Now

Making art is not easy and making creative art that sends a message is even more difficult. However, there are things you can do to strike up inspiration or bio hack your system to boost your creative.

Before I get into the tips, I want to emphasize that you must have certain pre-requisites fulfilled, nothing too difficult. Those are:

  • You must be in a good space, both physical and mental, to create (sure, most of the time, heart-touching work comes from pain but there are always exceptions)
  • A full eight hours of sleep (cliche, but important)
  • Knowledge of your artistic niche
  • A creative environment (you can learn how to create one here)

If you have all of these, then you are ready to boost your creativity in art. Let’s see how.

Tip No Six : Take A Walk

(Image via Gabriela Palai on Pexels)

I know I know. Here you are trying to lock in and find something creative to do but I’m telling you to step out. Trust me, going for a walk helps when you are down in the dumps and out of ideas. It is easy for you to get into a slump and not create at all. However, getting out to smell the flowers and look at nature might lead to an “aha” moment sooner than later.

Go alone, walk a mile, absorb the sunshine or have a picnic in the park without your phone, it will do you a lot of good.

Tip No Five: Set Limits To Break Limits

(Image via Zhiceng Zhang on Pexels)

Try to challenge yourself while making something. For example, if you are a painter, challenge yourself to create using only two colors or creating art with a specific theme. Setting limits can help spark creativity and ensure that you are back in the swing of things.

Use the above example in various other fields. Use a different lens if you are a photographer, convey emotions without writing them down for writers and direct a solo piece if you are a filmmaker.

Tip No Four: Carry A ‘Technidea’ Book

(Image via Roman Odintsov on Pexels)

‘Technidea’ stands for technique and ideas (my own creation). I recommend that you carry a technidea book so that you can write down any idea or technique you learn about just in case. You never know when inspiration might come to you and when it does, you can write it down so that when you sit down to create, you can refer to your notes.

Write down techniques used by pros and learn them to expand your horizons and use your ideas to better your creative outlook. Combine both of them to make masterpieces.

Tip No Three: Experiment

(Image via Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels)

Just because you are an expert in a certain artistic way does not mean you cannot learn another one. If you are a writer, it is a good idea to create videos or learn mixed media or drawing to better your horizons and give your words an outlet. These experiments will help you be more creative.

Learn us many mediums as you can and experiment with what suits you. You can find creativity everywhere as long as you love what you are doing.

Tip No Two: Take Breaks

(Image via Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels)

Just because you love creating art does not mean you should do it until the wheels fall off. Take productive breaks. By that, I mean resting without doomscrolling, watching movies, taking naps, working out, spending time in nature, going out with friends and more. Do things that truly relax you and don’t give you anxiety.

Do not feel guilty about taking these breaks, they will help you create better.

Tip No One: Consume

(Image via Liza Summer on Pexels)

Consume content. However, it should be mindful consumption. Doomscrolling is not the answer to your creative block. Consume content that is relative to your field and watch videos of people who have already reached great heights. From Bob Ross to Fyodor Dostoyevsky, there is a little bit of everything in every artistic field.

Watch, learn, read and devour everything in and out of your field to reignite the spark you have lost.

Related Read: Best Wholesome Movies To Watch That Will Make You Feel Warm

Upto You

Getting out of a creative block or just being more creative is not an award you will receive by other people. It is you, looking at your work and smiling at your own genius and creativity. That is the beauty of art, the perspective of the creator aside, there are millions of ways to interpret a single piece of work.

For more creativity, check out this playlist.