How To Be More Knowledgeable About Everything: 5 Things To Do

how to be more knowledgeable

Knowledge is the forefront of every human invention. Everything rom science, economics, finance, art and mathematics is enhanced through the application of knowledge. Being more knowledgeable isn’t just a gimmick for intellectual men and women, it is a pursuit to getting to know a deeper part of themselves.

Gaining more knowledge about the human realm and its various branches is not a one day thing, it is a continuous pursuit. However, it is simply gaining single bits and pieces of information over time and being more wise as you grow old. However, some light reading, experiencing certain things and meeting certain people will get you more knowledge than the other traditional means.

That being said, here’s how to be more knowledgeable about everything.

How To Be More Knowledgeable About Everything: Sources Of Knowledge, Subjects To Study And Tips

This article will primarily be divided into three quick bite sized pieces of information so that you can quickly get started. Firstly, we will look at the sources you can use to gain knowledge, then we will look at the subjects you need to study to increase your overall IQ in terms of understanding the general universe and its constituents. Next, we will look at the different subjects you must study.

You see, being more knowledgeable isn’t just about being wise about the universe, science, maths, politics or philosophy, it is having a deeper understanding of concepts like tolerance, religion, love, hate, beauty and more. The final part will be about some tips which you can use to gain more knowledge and maximize what you are gaining through the use of your sources.

Sources Of Knowledge

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There are countless sources of knowledge in today’s world since everything is at our fingertips. The only thing stopping us from being smarter is our own egos, our discipline and dopamine addiction, if any. That being said, if you want some reliable sources of information, then here are some.

  1. Books: Fiction, non fiction, autobiographies, classics, and more.
  2. Online Platforms: Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, edX and Khan Academy.
  3. Podcasts: Stuff You Should Know, Freakonomics Radio, TED Radio Hour and more.
  4. YouTube Channels: Kurzgesagt, Vsauce, and CrashCourse.
  5. Documentaries: Look for documentaries on streaming services like Netflix or PBS, covering topics in nature, history, culture, and science.
  6. Blogs: Websites like Medium, Scientific American, and Brain Pickings feature in-depth articles on various topics.

These will be your primary sources of information which will be readily available. Now, for more sources, these will be comparatively slower but you will gain in-depth knowledge.

  • Conferences
  • Talks
  • Libraries
  • Archives
  • Networking
  • Discussion Groups

Best Subjects To Study To Be More Knowledgeable

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Now that we have the sources of information you are going to use, let us quickly look at the list of subjects you will study to increase your base knowledge.

  • Philosophy: Answers questions about existence, life and ethics.
  • History: Provides context for current events.
  • Psychology: Helps understand human behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
  • Science: Helps understand the natural world and its rules
  • Mathematics: Betters problem solving and logical reasoning
  • Economics: Explores how societies allocate resources and make decisions.
  • Literature: Develops empathy and critical thinking through diverse narratives.
  • Political Science: Examines governance, political behavior, and international relations.
  • Art: Cultivates creativity and cultural appreciation.
  • Technology and Computer Science: Prepares you for an increasingly digital world and helps you understand the tools that shape our lives.
  • Environmental Studies: Addresses critical issues regarding sustainability and climate change.
  • Sociology: Analyzes social behavior and institutions.

Studying all subjects is going to help you understand everything about the world around you top to bottom. Now that you know what you should study and its sources, let’s look at some tips which will help you make the most out of this information.

Tips To Become More Knowledgeable

These are simple tips which are going to help you in everyday living when you are pursuing knowledge of any kind. However, the best tip of all is to be consistent and keep trying even when you don’t get it at first.

Take Notes

Every time you sit down to study, have a notebook with you and write down what you are learning. This will help you retain information. The more you understand, the more you should write in your notebook. It will help you jot down in your mind what you are understanding.

Engage In Deep Conversations With Your Friends

(Image via Jopwell on Pexels)

When you learn something, talk about it with your friends. Tell them the facts you learned and how things work, they will reciprocate with new information and you will both become smarter and closer while you are at it. Be a good listener, articulate your thoughts and exchange opinions to prompt more conversations.

Be An Active Learner

Don’t just absorb information. Try to actively use it in your daily life. Maybe teach it to someone that you know or write down reciting it. Make a video about it and post it, even better. This will help you retain information while garnering you respect in general.

Challenge Your Thought Processes

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Chances are as you keep learning new things, you will keep changing how you think. Before you change completely, try to critically think for yourself. Learn critical thinking and see what you think of when you learn certain things. Observe your thought processes and see what you come up with in conclusion to certain topics.

Challenge your biases and see why you think the way you think.

Keep Going

You won’t learn everything you want in one day. You will have to master every subject one at a time and it will take years of time, hard work and patience. So start today and keep going because being knowledgeable is a lifelong journey, not a goal post you can get to.

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By Addy

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