How To Actually Get Sh*t Done: A Simple Guide

If you are delaying the inevitable and distracting yourself with pleasures instead of focusing on what you should be doing, then this guide is for you. This piece will look at how you can actually get stuff done, and not just work related stuff. We will look at things which will actually help you get ahead in life.

Firstly, you need to stop being a perfectionist and stop hoping for the most optimum result the very first time you begin something because newsflash, your first time isn’t going to done anything, unless you’re EXTREMELY lucky. It is a billion to one cosmic fluke. However, the guaranteed path to success is consistency and that will help you get stuff done. What is the secret sauce?

How To Get Things Done: 7 Simple Tips To Start Not Fucking Up

A lot of us hesitate a lot when starting something new. Maybe because out of fear of failure or not being good enough, it does not help us at all. We are conditioned to believe that the outcome will always end up in the negative end of the spectrum. Now, I don’t know what it is called psychology wise but you have to pay the piper sometime.

That thing in your head that you have to do is put in there for a reason. For example, a lot of us are hesitant in following our purpose because we think we will fail. If you don’t pursue it, that regret would be worse than any heartbreak, it’ll eat away at your soul. The first step to doing or accomplishing anything is simple; just start.

Advice No 1: Don’t Put The Task On A Pedestal

It can be quite simple for you to keep the task on a pedestal, highlight it, mark it up on your book, write it down on your notes app and even set a reminder for it. But the best thing to do is just start it without having to wait for something to click for you.

That is why, the best advice for you to actually get stuff done is to treat it like a menial task. Don’t get me wrong, put your 100% into it but treat it like it is just another day. DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT. I stand by that statement.

Advice No 2: Use A Soundtrack

(Image via Elviss Bitans on Pexels)

This is more of a mental hack but if you have a soundtrack playing in your head or physically on your phone it will help your main character syndrome. But ensure that the music is instrumental so that it doesn’t hamper your ability to focus. Anything from soundtracks from movies to instrumentals can help you a lot with your focus.

Advice No 3: Don’t Go Around Parading It

It is easy for you to gain validation for your undertaking by talking about the task to your friend. “Oh I’ll start working out from tomorrow or I’ll write more this week.” All of these provide great short term gratification to your ego which then absolutely annihilates any wish that you have in your mind to start the task.

I do not know what the scientific terminology for this phenomenon is but it just so happens that if people talk about doing the things they want to do, they end up not doing the thing at all.

Advice No 4: Motivation Is Bulls$%

You do not need to rely on motivation videos to get stuff done always. The chances are, you will run out of videos before you get anything started. While I understand that there are figures in the world that can inspire anyone, human emotions are unpredictable. You can’t always feel inspired when looking at the same video over and over again.

That is why, motivation is a lost cause that you use to start. There are also chances that you get distracted and watch another video while watching it due to a broken attention span.

Advice No 5: Set Real Goals

(Image via Engin Akyurt on Pexels)

A lot of times when we are way behind on our schedules, we set unrealistic goals which do not help us achieve anything valuable. That is why, I believe that if you set realistic goals, not only will you achieve them but the act of completing them will grant you will and the desire to do even more without even needing motivation.

Goal setting is easy. Start with something that is doable for you TODAY. Then plan what you can do tomorrow, realistically. Try to improve a little bit in what you do everyday. When you look back at your progress, you will see how far you have grown.

Advice No 6: Keep Your Goddamn Phone Away

Your mother was right, that phone is indeed the problem. The thing is that most of us pick it up immediately after we open our eyes and I bet most of us look at it before going to sleep. Our sleep schedule, our attention span and our ability to focus for longer periods of time is ruined because of the instant dopamine hit our smartphones are.

Try to limit your phone usage very much since you actually have a lot less time than you’d hope. Your goal is to be the highest in the room as Travis Scott would say, and being on the phone will not help you accomplish.

Advice No 7: The Magic You Are Looking For Is In The Work You Are Avoiding

This is the best advice out there. There are times where you know what you have to do, in your heart you know and if you do those things your life will improve drastically but we can’t bring ourselves to do it because we think we will fail.

You must find it in your heart to do those things and do those things well in order to prosper in your life. When you can do the things that require doing, that is where you will see drastic changes in your life.

Those are all the things you need to know about getting stuff done in your life. For more tips like these, stay tuned to The Introverted Bubble.

By Addy

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