Listing out the strengths and weaknesses of a personality type can be simple or difficult based on the general consensus. It is easy to say that the weakness of an introverted personality type is social interaction but it is much more than that. The INTJs are introverted and follow their intuition, therefore it can be difficult for them to step away from their own little worlds.
That can be a weakness but is leveraged by their creative output. There is a balance of strengths and weaknesses of each personality type which can help them in their respective worlds. Let’s make an INTJ strengths and weaknesses list to understand them better.
5 INTJ Strengths And Weaknesses Listed Down For Your Convenience
For fellow INTJs, I urge you to see if this list resonates with you on any scale, no matter the strength or weakness. At the end of the day, it is easier to write and related better if you are in touch with what your readers want.
Let’s list out the strengths first followed by the potential challenges Architects might face in their lives.
INTJ Strengths

The INTJ acronym stands for Introverted, Intuition, Thinking and Judging. This simply means that these personalities love time alone, and they are led by ideas and broad concepts. They think and judge people and situations according to their own interpretation and intuition of the world. Although that can also mean they have trust issues, which is quite common.
INTJs spend their lives in pursuit of knowledge and their interests. They thrive in areas which have intellectual conversations and discussions which leads us to their strengths.
Independent And Self Motivated
The INTJs can easily motivate themselves to do stuff without external stimuli which makes them highly independent. They hardly need any help when it comes to any aspects of daily life.
Their motivation comes from their goals which they work hard to achieve without relying on external support or validation.
Creative Bone
INTJs love to be creative and often spend their free time pursuing art or anything that can be made by their own two hands. Their knack in creativity and thinking about outside the box bolsters their mindset to come up with solutions in unique ways.
These personality types have enough confidence in their decisions because they rely heavily on logic and reasoning to support the solution they came up with. Plus their knowledge of the world and ability to analyze social situations can guide them through any potential roadblock they might have.
Knowledgeable And Well Informed
INTJs are constantly on the hunt for knowledge and due to that, you will see them being experts in their field. Although, some of them are also niche less individuals and have a thirst for everything in the universe in general.
Calm And Composed Attitude
INTJs known that there is a solution to everything. That is why, in pressure situations you will often find them being calm and looking for any gaps which they can exploit and turn the tide into their favor.
Interesting Read: What Is The INTJ Personality Type: Signs That You Are One (Dr. Strange Special)
INTJ Weaknesses

Everyone has their kryptonite and INTJs are no exceptions. However, their weaknesses might stem from their own confidence and the ability to analyze everything. These problems can be solved by being self-aware but one can only control so much. That being said, recognizing a weakness is the first step into making it a strength.
Stubborn & Resistant To Change
INTJs are quite stubborn when it comes to their opinions, habits and their passion. They will have a tough time changing because that is all they are used to. Aside from that, change is also difficult because they believe in their ability to plan long term and deduce logic in most situations.
INTJs need the perfect conditions to start or even finish something. Everything they create or want to do has to be perfect and they never settle for good enough. That is why, they have a hard time beginning new projects, even ones they really want to do.
They Struggle In A Team
INTJs are built to be lone wolves and struggle a lot in teams. Their ideas stand out from the crowd and their perfectionist nature does not allow them to be a part of a team. This can be a huge problem for them if they have picked a career that involves a lot of social interaction. Their independent nature is the major reason why they don’t fit well in a team.
Difficulty In Expressing Emotions
INTJs are not the best at expressing their emotions even when they feel like their world is ending. They would rather be emotionally unavailable even for themselves and carry on working rather than confront those feelings. This can be a huge deal for partners who want to be emotionally intimate.
Overly Critical
INTJs are overly critical which stems from perfectionism. This habit can be bad when they are trying to begin a new venture. It halts progress and does not allow for improvements and progress. The only solution to this problem, like most of the others, is to be self aware. This overly critical attitude can also spread to criticizing others.
The Verdict
These strengths and weaknesses change from INTJ to INTJ. Although, these are the most common ones found in these personalities, there are certain exceptions. To know more about the personalities, check out the Encyclopedia of Personalities playlist.
If you are interested in Pop Culture, check this piece on the most famous INTJ Characters in fictional history.