The INTPs have their own set of superpowers which can make them extremely adorable or annoying, depending on the beholder. That being said, just like any other personality type, their strengths and weaknesses set them apart from the rest of their peers. Part of the reason is because of their rarity. Let’s take a look at the INTP strengths and weaknesses so to get a better idea of what or who we are dealing with.
INTP Strengths And Weaknesses That Are Endearing
INTP stands for Introverted, Intuition, Thinking and Perceiving. Essentially, what it means is that these personality types prefer solitude, have a focus on ideas rather than facts, prefer spontaneous activities and make decisions based on logic.
Knowing their core characteristics is important in identifying what their strengths and weaknesses are. Let’s look at their strengths first.
INTP Strengths Listed

The best move here would be to list down five strengths and weaknesses, so you can get a brief overview of what these personalities lack or excel at.
Analytical Thinking
INTPs have an analytical mind and a logical approach to most of their problems. They can easily analyze complex problems and come up with solutions on the fly. They love to understand how things work. That is why, INTPs excel in mathematics, computer science or even engineering.
INTPs have loads of creative solutions that are considered out of the box. They have a good time brainstorming ideas and they always take a novel approach in solving their problems. That is why, you will often see scientists as INTPs.
They Are Highly Curious
INTPs are curious individuals who like to question everything and solve problems as creatively as possible. Their desire to learn new things and understand its workings is unparalleled. Most INTPs eventually become polymath and have a pursuing interest in multiple topics.
They Value Independence
INTPs love to work alone and value their independence a lot so that they can keep doing the things they love without anyone else interrupting. That is why, most of the time, they can get so occupied with their work that they forget about their loved ones. They are self-reliant and often take the initiative to explore their interests.
They Pursue Logical And Objective Goals
Logic and objectivity goals are the only reason why INTPs set goals in the first place. They have planned proper steps in order to achieve their dreams. Although, due to their active mind, the execution can be a problem.
INTP Weaknesses

Despite their strengths and highly creative minds, they have their weaknesses. These personality types often get harassed by analysis paralysis. Some might get over it but it takes a while to recognize the symptoms and follow up on it. That being said, let us look at some weaknesses that might plague them.
Their procrastination can lead to the destruction of many dreams that they have seen for themselves. They delay doing their work in favor of more analysis and contemplation. This is their biggest weakness.
Difficulty In Practical Matters
INTPs are much more focused on theoretical concepts and learning more and more about the world instead of mundane tasks. That is why, they have a hard time starting to work even on simple things like washing dishes, cleaning up, etc.
Overly Critical
They are overly critical of everyone, especially their own work which makes them frustrated if the work is not up to par. This perfectionism can be dangerous for their career and can halt their learning process.
The INTPs are quite indecisive in regards to making or wanting things. They have varied interests and can take time learning about each of them. They always keep their options open and have trouble niching down. They might struggle to commit to decisions or actions, fearing they haven’t considered all possibilities.
Aloof Personality
INTPs struggle to truly connect with people quite a lot due to their aloof personality. Because of that, they also get lost in their own thoughts. You will find these personalities day dreaming in conventions or parties, instead of striking up conversations.
The Verdict
INTPs are much more focused and interested in doing their work rather than trying to appease other people and give them their precious time. These INTP strengths and weaknesses I have listed out are just some common things that are noticeable in pure INTPs. Although, there can be changes according to one’s childhood and daily routine.
If you’d like to know more about INTPs or other Myers Briggs personalities, check out the Encyclopedia of Personalities section.