It is the age of maximums. Everyone is trying to get as much work done as possible in the smallest amount of time. Although, you can increase the quantity of the work done, the quality is lackluster. Take me for example, this blog is a dying blog and I have no hopes for it. Initially, I planned to release 3 to 5 posts each day for the remainder of 2024 but I haven’t even posted 30 in the past nine months and the biggest reason for this is not because I was busy scrolling.
The reason is that I had what the researcher’s and science people call the Analysis Paralysis. But that is a separate topic for another time. One of the reasons why I couldn’t post the way I wanted is because of my history with perfectionism. Although, perfectionism can be good in certain areas, it is bad when you are starting something or getting to learn the ropes.
So without any hesitation, I am of the opinion that perfectionism is the absolute worst thing you can adopt as a trait when starting something, especially when you are trying to learn or do that thing for long term.
Don’t Be A Perfectionist And You’ll Get Better Quality And Quantity
Everyone wants to be so busy in life that they do not have time to even talk, well at least men. The reason to “lock in” is so that we can put our feelings in the back burner and do as much as we can without dealing with our mental. Being a perfectionist is not going to help you get any work done. Take me for example, there are at least 100 pages in my diary analyzing the market trends and the topics of the blog that I am writing.
But that is all for naught if I don’t actually get off my ass and do it. Here’s the golden truth to getting any amount of work done, just start and don’t seek perfectionism if you’re a beginner. If you are an expert in your field with years of experience, then maybe perfectionism is valid but not anytime soon. The 1000 hours theory holds true, learn the craft, become it but don’t let it control your creativity.
There are hundreds of examples just like me who are hiding behind the excuse of perfectionism. Oh, its Friday anyway, I’ll start my diet on Monday or wait for the end of the month to start, a fresh start, that’s what they call it, its bull. No amount of work gets done when all of these excuses come in the middle and when that time passes, when you see the schedule you made not being put to use, you curse yourself for being such an idiot.
How To Stop Being A Perfectionist
There are only three surefire things you can start so you can stop being a perfectionist. Start with these three things and see if they help.
- Just do it. Nike isn’t playing around with this phrase. The more you hesitate before jumping the less you would actually want to jump. So just dive headfirst into it and don’t look back.
- Work with purpose. The more you work on your field the more you will learn. Theory helps but that is all that is, it’s just theory. The more you will take action, the more you will see what you can do and what you specialize.
- Track your work and build a routine, aim for consistency. So I am cheating by giving you three things in one but deal with it. See if you are actually improving in what you do. Keep improving, track progress and see if your work is paying off, if its not, switch it up. Be relentless in your pursuit and you will land among the stars.
The Curse Of Perfectionism

The curse of perfectionism is real and it will haunt you a lot especially if you were one of those overachieving bright kids in school who performed well and got A grades. You’re an adult now and the only person you should aim to please is yourself. Please, please don’t fall for the perfectionism trap and make the best out of your time.
For more rants like this, stay tuned to The Introverted Bubble, or not, who gives a crap.