What Is The Rarest Personality Type In The World?

The personality types are an indicator of how a person is as a whole. From the self-confident ENTPs to the idealists, INFJs there is always something different when it comes to the personality spectrum mentioned in the MBTI. That being said, what is the rarest personality type in the world? Which of the 16 personality types are the rarest. Let me answer that question.

What Is The Rarest Personality Type In The World?

The INFJ personality type is the rarest in the world with less than 1.5% of the US population being one of them. This personality type is the idealist, the dreamer or known more commonly as the advocate. The INFJ in the name stands for:

  • I: Introverted
  • N: Intuition
  • F: Feeling
  • J: Judging

These traits indicate that the INFJs approach each problem with a deep vision filled with idealistic goals, values and a personal thought process that is indicative of who they are. Many great personalities in the world have been the INFJ personality type. Let us take a look at some of them.

Famous INFJs Throughout History

From being visionaries to inspiring legions, INFJs have been at the dead center of most revolutions in human history. That is why, some of these names might not surprise you.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King never compromised on his ideals and fought relentlessly against injustice in the Civil Rights Movement. His inspirational speeches and commitment to nonviolence reflects his advocating personality, resembling the INFJs.

Mother Teresa

With immeasurable empathy and a desire to help the poor and sick, Mother Teresa exhibited traits of the INFJ showing passion and commitment into helping the under-priviledged.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa always exhibited a calm demeanor and dedication to social justice. His strong moral compass is what made him one of the most passionate people alive who believed in their cause.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman’s versatility and emotional depth in her movie roles suggest that she is an INFJ. This empathetic quality to get into the viewpoint of a character and completely inhibit it shows Intuition and Feeling traits of INFJs.

Vincent Van Gogh

One of the greatest painters of all time, Vincent Van Gogh knew how to capture the emotional depth in a painting which is why one can draw multiple interpretations of the same painting even without thinking too much into it. His artworks reflected inner turmoil and sensitivity which are characteristic of INFJs.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio has done it all in the acting business. From his roles in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood to Titanic, he has exhibited an ability to showcase an emotional spectrum of different roles in his career. With this much understanding of every role, Leonardo DiCaprio is a surefire INFJ.

INFJ might be the rarest personality type in the world. However, the other 16 personalities are also quite interesting if you get to know them properly. To know more about MBTI personalities in fiction and in reality, click here.