ENFJ personalities are the protagonists of daily life and are known to take control and be themselves in social situations. They can gel with almost any person but what personality types are ENFJ most compatible with? Let’s take a look.
Who Is ENFJ Most Compatible With?
ENFJ is the most compatible with the ENTJ Personality type since they share core values. Both personality types are natural leaders who can easily make things happen. If both of these personality types got together, they create a powerful team and can inspire each other to pursue things they enjoy and cherish.
What Other Personalities Does ENFJ Get Along With?

Even though ENFJ personalities get along with ENTJs the most, there are other personalities who would share a good bond with them. They are:
- INTJ (The Architect): The introverted nature of the INTJ and the extroverted one of the ENFJ are great catalysts should they enter a mutual friendship. The INTJs analytical thinking skills and the ENFJs people based approach can provide a balanced opinion of any situation, leading to a dynamic relationship.
- INFP (The Mediator): ENFJs and INFPs have passion for helping others in need. That passion can unite them and create a mutual respect.
- ISFJ (The Defender): ISFJs nurturing personality combined with the enthusiasm of the ENFJ can lead to a stable partnership filled with harmony.
- ESFJ (The Consul): ENFJs and ESFJs share a love for socializing and meeting new people. They can create a warm relationship built over the goal of sharing bonds with different individuals.
ENFJs are great companions to have since they can take charge and help you navigate through social situations quite easily. Click here to know more about them.
Check out the Encyclopedia of Personalities page for more pieces on these personalities.