The ESTJ personality type can be a lot for people to handle since they do not stray away from their ideologies and personal protocols. Their stern demeanor does not mean that they don’t get along with people. In fact, their extroverted traits can help them be the life of any party. They can be highly compatible with people who share both opposite and similar traits as them. Let’s see who is ESTJ most compatible with in this piece.
Who Is The ESTJ Most Compatible With? Ranking The Most Compatible Personalities For The ESTJ
There are many personality types that gel quite well with the ESTJs. Some form a connection right off the bat while others take time to forge a foundation that leads to a good bond. The chances of a connection forming between personality types is higher when you get to know the nuances a.k.a the personality type names and characteristics.
For example, one of the personality types that form a meaningful connection with the ESTJ is the ISTJ personality type. The reason behind that is the ISTJs nuanced ability to read people staying behind the lines and it is a classic case of opposites attract. That being said, let us look at all of the personalities that should have a good compatibility with the ESTJs.

As we talked about it earlier, ESTJs and ISTJs should have no problems establishing a meaningful relationship between the two since both prioritize their duties, practicality and order. They lead similar lifestyles which calls for structure and thrive in situations when they go according to their plan.
Both of these personality types have a need for efficiency and reliability from others, which they can fulfill in a relationship between them. That is why, the ISTJ personality type is one of the most compatible types to form a bond with the ESTJs.
ESTPs and ISTPs both have Sensing traits. This means that they are focused on the present and pay attention to details to absorb information in their surroundings. This common factor helps them understand each other better and gives them something to bond over.
Since ESTJs and ISTPs are extroverts and introverts respectively, their routines and relaxing methods might differ. That is why, both parties can encourage each other to step out of their comfort zone to take part in new activities which enhances personal growth.
The ESTPs and ISTPs approach to practicality, logic and respect for each other’s differences can lead to a healthy long-term relationship. Although, mutual understanding, respect and communication are required, as like in any other relationship.

Just like the ISTPs, both personalities here are the Sensing types and have an extrovert/introvert dynamic. While ESTJs are more focused on planning, organization and leadership, ISFPs are more focused on their strong value system, creative endeavors, and adaptability. Some disagreements might occur due to these opposite ideologies, but that can be fixed through proper communication.
That being said, both are practical oriented and have a detailed approach to living life. ESTJs respect the ISFP’s loyalty, kindness, and commitment to their values. ISFPs in turn, respect the ESTJ’s dedication, reliability and sense of duty.
Aside from both personality types being extroverts, they have a mutual drive for achievement. Both personalities are goal oriented and highly ambitious; motivated by success, their drive to achieve something can make them powerful leaders.
While ESTJs focus on minor details, practical solutions and the present, the ENTJ personality type(s) have a long term focus and an eye for the future. Their combined approach to solving problems that have present and future significance makes them highly compatible. In addition, they do not have any barriers to communication due to their extroverted traits.
Although, their overly critical nature, assertive traits and the ability to handle stress differently can lead to problems in the long run.
This is undoubtedly the most dynamic relationship on this list. ESTJs and ESTPs are similar except for their Judging and Perceiving traits respectively. Their shared interest in people and Sensing preferences allow them to enjoy similar activities. They understand each other’s approach to living life and face challenges in terms of being spontaneous.
However, their practicality, long term planning, mutual respect and open communication can help navigate these challenges quite effectively. By acknowledging each other’s strengths, these personality types can form a harmonious relationship with each other.
The Verdict
Now you know who the ESTJ personality type is the most compatible with. In summary, those are:
There are many others which are compatible with this personality type but will have to navigate other barriers in order to be truly harmonious.
To know more about the personality types, check out the Encyclopedia of Personalities page.