Humans unintentionally have a fear of death. In literary terms, the phobia of death is known as Thanatophobia named after the Greek God of Death, Thanatos. But why do humans fear death so much? If you dive deep into your own thought process, it is not death that you fear; although, the process can freak people out, it is a fear of the unknown.
Is There A Need To Fear Death?
Not necessarily, there are some things in life which are going to induce a fear out of you no matter how tough you are. Taxes, Death, jail time or getting caught at a music festival by your parents, there are some things which are bound to make you feel afraid. However, death in particular is nothing to fear since it’s just a part of the human life cycle.
Although I admit that explaining it in a scientific sense does not calm anyone down. For that, let us take a look at why humans might have a fear of death.
Why Do Humans Fear Death So Much? Possible Reasons
There are a variety of reasons why humans fear death and most of them are induced through people or practices around them. Although, the fear of death stems from a variety of different sources or phobias.
- Suffering/getting hurt
- Fear of the unknown
- Fear of not existing
- Fear of being forgotton
- Fear of Getting into hell or suffering eternal punishment
- Concern about your loved ones
Suffering/Getting Hurt
Most people think about how pain and suffering follows death. However, modern medical science has advanced a ton and most of the suffering can be alleviated to allow for a swift passage. It might sound extremely non-empathetic but one does not have to suffer when near death due to modern medicine. Although, accidents and other worldly harm are exceptions and one can’t do anything about that.
Fear Of The Unknown
A lot of people concern themselves in regards to what proceeds death. The truth is, no one knows. There are religious texts that note particular processes after death but that varies from various cultures. Although, the atheistic population believes there is nothing on the other side. The only thing that humans haven’t got around to knowing is what happens after death because no one has lived to tell the tale.
Fear Of Not Existing
A lot of us take life for granted. In those rare opportunities when we come face to face with death (either directly or through the passage of a loved one) we understand how grave it can be. Although there is nothing to fear, the fear of not breathing or existing in this world can subtly take over. In those moments, it is wise to learn that one must use their time valuably and live for themselves and spend time with the people they love. Live with purpose.
Fear of Being Forgotten
Have you seen Coco? The people in the afterlife have a fear of being forgotten by their families or they will die a permanent death. People in real life have the same fear. The fear of being forgotten after their death. To know that two or three generations after, your name won’t be invoked at the family dinner. There is no cure to that. Although creating something and being truly unforgettable through your actions can help you alleviate that fear.
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Fear of Getting Into Hell Or Suffering Eternal Punishment
The fear of dying also stems from the fear of suffering eternal punishment in hell. Spiritual and religious believers have a fear of what might happen to their souls after they die and how they will suffer for their action/inaction here on earth. Children who grew up in religious households are atheists due to that exact fear most of the time.
Concern About Your Loved Ones
What will happen to your loved ones after you die? That is the primary concern for people. How will your most treasured friends and family survive. I do know one thing for certain. Life finds a way, so do not be concerned in that department.
The Verdict: Should You Fear Death?

The answer is not really. If you have a life well lived, then you will have no regrets. Remember, most people have a list of regrets while on their death bed. So ensure that you live and do things that you want to do rather than pursue meaningless endeavors that waste your time. That does not mean you have to be productive all the time or do certain things, it just means that you must live and do things for yourself rather than other people.
Change the way you think about death and a whole lot of possibilities open up around you, allowing you to have a life worth living.