“Man is a social animal.” You have heard this statement millions of times. Although it holds true in describing human beings and their ambition most of the time, what does it mean? Simply put, saying that “man is a social animal” implies that humans cannot live in isolation. If they could, they would be deemed as psychopaths or more closely, sociopaths. Although why is there a need to form bonds with your fellow humans? Why do humans need social interaction?
Why Do Humans Need Social Interaction: The Psychology Behind It

Humans have evolved in a way that we require social relationships to exist. Everyone has the need to be loved, to be intimate, to be seen and appreciated in the this world. Those are the primary factors driving humans into being socially interactive. In addition, being perceived a certain way socially raises your self esteem, self-confidence and makes you see the world differently. Our perception and the way we value ourselves depends on how our peers respect us and perceive us.
In essence, humans need social interaction so that they can not only be appreciated by their peers but also see themselves in a different light. Aside from that, social interaction is a medicine and transcends the introvert-extrovert spectrum. Every personality type needs social interaction to survive.
You might be eating the best food and doing the right exercises, but if you don’t have anyone to celebrate your wins with, you will feel empty. Interacting with your peers and friends ensures a better quality of life. Aside from that, one of the biggest reasons why need to be socially interactive is so that we don’t feel lonely.
The loneliness epidemic has claimed many lives. People are so connected yet so far apart that it is easy for people to feel lonely. Everyone needs a sense of belonging and that can only be achieved by social interaction. Doing so will make you feel like you are a part of something. Humans have evolved in such a way that it is necessary for us speak, interact and receive praise to grow as individuals.
The Verdict
By being purposeful and finding quality friends, you can make your interactions better and your relationships deeper. These quality relationships are going to help you all walks of life and ensure that you do not become lonely and spiteful. By interacting with people that you cherish, you’ll have a better quality of life.
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