Why Do People Want to Be Famous?

You want to be famous right? Desired, wanted, to be seen and appreciated? Every one of us has this desire, no one wants to admit it but deep down everyone wants to be put in the spotlight. Is it possible to achieve this goal? Yes, but people are not aware of the negative influence it has on the mind.

A lot of people are ready to sacrifice their mental health for their 15 minutes of fame. However, by the history of famous Youtuber apologies, you know it can make or break your life.

The Psychology of Fame: Why do People Want to Be Famous?

The likes and views you get on social media mean that you are getting validated. It means that people are seeing you, appreciating your existence, and providing you validation for the same. Being famous equates to people knowing and appreciating you for every single thing you do, even if it’s meaningless.

Fame gives people power. They can influence behaviors and change people’s thought processes down to their emotional core that stemmed from their upbringing.

Wealth and Status are a part of fame. You get to travel wherever you want, paparazzi, following you everywhere. You get to live in fancy hotels, suits, and houses. Anything to spoil your ego. Anything to appease self-perception and elevate it to a point where you don’t know if it’s truly you on the inside. But why do people kiss celebrities’ asses all day? Why do they smile when they smile? Did you do something wrong? Should you give up on being seen?

Why Everyone Wants to Be Successful

If you grew up underappreciated, then there is a high chance that there is an innate desire inside you to make things right. You want to be famous so bad that it hurts. You can’t stop thinking about it. Hence, you obsess over this concept. It does not let you sleep at night. That hunger keeps persisting.

In a beautiful article by life intelligence.io, they highlight that the reasons why people want fame can be attributed to Narcissism, High Self-esteem, Insecurity, and the need for Self-disclosure.

Let us explore each detail a little.

1. Narcissism

If you want to be a trendsetter or a leader of some kind, it means you like the idea of people looking at you. This narcissistic outlook can lead to you desiring fame. Nowadays, being a Youtuber or a social media influencer is all the rage. If you want to DOCUMENT or let people see you and appreciate your lifestyle, you desire fame.

Therefore, the desire to appear on everyone’s screens and influence their behavior by making them your own is rooted in narcissism.

2. Insecurity or High Self-Esteem

Both of these go hand in hand. How? If you are insecure then you want to prove yourself. If you have high self-esteem you want to want to display your abilities to the world. EVERYONE no matter who it is has a little bit of Ego. It is a glass ceiling and breaks quite easily. However, research suggests that people who are insecure have a higher desire to be famous rather than emotionally secure people.

Gen Z grew up in an era of expectations. Some people could fulfill it and some could not. We had everything. The technology, the mindset, the information, the trauma, and hope. One thing we lacked was love, which we are trying to find through each other’s smartphone screens. That is why, I think most of us are out here to prove ourselves or die trying.

3. Self-Disclosure

When people share their work and it is liked, they get happy, it’s simple calculus. Sharing builds connection, love, and appreciation. It makes you feel important. But mostly importantly, it makes you feel seen and heard. Psychologically, you are on cloud nine if your video gets lots of views or your TikTok goes viral.

But at the same time, that addiction to fame keeps on increasing. Once that addiction reaches a certain level, you become starved for attention and you will do ANYTHING to be seen. If you fail, you start having a quarter-life crisis.

Why You Don’t Want to be Famous

Being famous is a celebrity-induced culture. Because they have legions of fans running after them you want to be like them. But being like them does not come without downsides.

The pressure of constantly being in the public eye can be overwhelming, with little room for privacy or personal time. Celebrities are often subjected to intense scrutiny from the media and fans alike, with every move and word being analyzed and criticized.

This lack of privacy can be a significant sacrifice, as it can be difficult to form authentic relationships or enjoy simple pleasures without fear of being photographed or harassed.

Imagine this. You are a celebrity and looking for love, you have fame and money. 90% of the time the people who want to date you would either be fans or after your money, there is no room for genuine interaction. Would you want something like that? Some relationships with no intimacy?

Should You Stop Doing What you are Doing?

No. Just re-evaluate why you’re doing what you are doing. If it is just for gathering attention or making a name for yourself then change it to something MORE. Something that can help people. Solving problems and helping humankind is the greatest endeavor you can undertake. That is why, if you want to crave attention, crave the good kind.

Be known for your work in helping others rather than your looks or other clout-gathering things that social media is so famous for. When you realize that fame is just a substitute for genuine connection, love, appreciation, and being a part of something greater, you will automatically stop pursuing it and start doing something that actually matters.

Stay focused and keep trying to be the best that you can be, within boundaries.